Phen375 Review Canada With Customer Comments

As of October 2021 Phen375 is now renamed Phen Gold. 

PhenGoldPhen375 is an “advanced weight loss formula” produced in the USA and Canada and it has succeeded in helping so many people to realise their dreams of weight loss it is one of the best known and most highly regarded diet pills in the world.

Over 250,000 former users have provided testimonials saying how well the product works. Customer reviews are important and any diet pill that succeeds in impressing that many people has to be very good indeed.

When we read what people were saying about Phen375 and saw how well the product worked we were extremely surprised to discover users only need to take one pill per day.

Creating a one-pill-per-day formulation that delivers such good results is an incredible feat, so the “advanced weight loss formula” statement written on the front of the bottle is a lot more than a marketing gimmick.

PhenGoldAs of October 2021 Phen375 is now branded as Phen Gold. The product contains the same great formula and is now even better value.

PhenGOLD is available exclusively from its own official website.

The official website is translated in many languages including French – there is also a currency option for CAD$

The best value special offer presently is buying 4 and getting 2 bottles free

See special offers and price promotions here

Phen375 Advertised Benefits

  • Suppress hunger cravings
  • Reduce calories
  • Burn fat and lose weight
  • Become a slimmer more sexy you


Phen375 Ingredients

There are only six ingredients in the Phen375 formulation and they are all natural. However, the ingredients used are also pharmaceutical grade and this will no doubt be one of the main reasons the pills manage to pack such a powerful punch.

The six ingredients used in the Phen375 formulation are:

  • Phen375 IngredientsL-Carnitine: An important amino acid that performs many roles within the body. It’s probably been added here because of its reputation as a hunger suppressant, but research shows L-Carnitine is also good for fighting fatigue so its inclusion should help ensure a life with less calories does not sap the body of vitality and cause feelings of lethargy.
  • Citrus aurantium: A popular diet pill ingredient sourced from a species of citrus fruit. Citrus aurantium is as good at battling diet-related fatigue as it is at fighting the flab, thanks to the presence of a fat burning stimulant called synephrine.
  • Caffeine: Another good inclusion that should prevent feelings of fatigue. Caffeine is also a proven fat burner and, for this reason, is one of the most popular diet pill ingredients in the world.
  • Coleus forskolii root: A good ingredient that is often ignored by diet pill manufacturers, coleus forskolii is known for its fat burning ability and is equally respected as a testosterone booster. Extra testosterone can result in extra pounds lost, so its an ingredient that offers double benefits.
  • Cayenne pepper: Another versatile ingredient, cayenne is a good natural appetite suppressant, but it more highly praised for its proven fat burning abilities. Research shows supplementation with cayenne can provide a 24-hour fat burning effect, so its presence here could explain why a single capsule a day can provide such staggering results.
  • Dendrobium nobile (orchid) extract: An ingredient that aids the digestion. Cayenne is a fiery ingredient so dendrobium nobile has probably been added to prevent stomach upsets. The fact that none have been supported suggests it serves this purpose well.

How Phen375 Works

The Phen375 formulation contains ingredients that can help people to eat less food. When less food is consumed the body gets fewer calories and, if the calorie intake is decreased sufficiently the body will start burning its fat.

Such a lack of calories can lead to fatigue, so the formulation has been designed to prevent this from happening and help ensure people using the product don’t feel so drained they throw in the towel.

Phen375 also contains ingredients that tweak the body’s natural fat burning abilities and help it to become more efficient in this regard.

Phen375 testimonials

Phen375 Customer Testimonials

Customer feedback is phenomenally good:

A few standard and typical customer reviews read:

“I can’t believe how good this product is. Nothing else I tried worked, but Phen375 does. I’ve been losing 6-8 pounds a week even though I haven’t made any changes in my daily routine.”
“The best phentermine substitute you can get. There are no side effects at all and you start burning fat like nobody’s business.”
“A work buddy suggested Phen375 because he was worried when he saw how out of breath I was getting. I’ve tried many diet pills before so I didn’t hold out much hope. I lost 7 pounds in the first week alone, would you believe it? Wow!!!”

Spells for Weight Loss

Health Considerations

Although Phen375 has no known side effects, it’s not intended for women who are pregnant or nursing a child. People who have existing health conditions or concerns should check with a doctor before using any brand of supplement. The same advice is offered to people who are using medication or planning to combine the use of Phen375 with another product.

The Verdict

We would be happy to recommend this product on the strength and quantity of positive customer reviews alone. Phen375 contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients, it gets the job done, and the price is very reasonable for a product of this quality.

If you are looking for a diet pill that really works, you won’t find a better option than Phen375.

Where to Buy Phen375

PhenGoldPhen375 (now Phen Gold) is exclusive to the official website – it is not available in pharmacies (such as Walmart, Rexall, Lawtons, Shoppers Drug Mart.

There are special offers and price discounts available with the latest and best value being buy 4 and get 2 bottles free. The official website is available in many languages as well as many currencies including CAD$

View special offers from the official Phen375 website

Also available in French for customers in Québec


PhenMax375 Review – Is It A Phen375 Ripoff?

Phenmax375 canadaPhenMax375 is a diet pill manufactured in the US and is one of many products on the market that have been named in a way that may help the people selling it capitalize on the success of another diet pill, named Phen375.

According to the marketing material, PhenMax375 assists weight loss by providing:

  • Hunger suppression
  • Boosted energy levels
  • Thermogenic fat burning
  • Maximized weight loss
  • Decreased calorie intake

Who Makes PhenMax375?

PhenMax375 is manufactured by YoungYou Corporation.

The company has been trading for quite a while and is also responsible for marketing a number of other weight management products, but the YoungYou has somewhat of a checkered past and fell foul of the FDA when inspectors discovered some of the company’s products contained undisclosed drugs.

YoungYou cleaned up its act sufficiently to appease the FDA, but the fact that such a problem arose in the first place does not create the best of impressions.

Key Ingredients and Blend Potential

All the ingredients used in PhenMax375 are hidden in a proprietary blend (765mg). Each two-capsule dose provides unspecified amounts of:

  • what is garcinia cambogiaGarcinia Cambogia: A respected fruit extract that is highly nutritious and helps support weight loss by providing a hunger suppressing chemical (hydroxycitric acid) that also has the ability to prevent the body making fresh stores of fat. Experts stress the importance of only using garcinia cambogia extract that are at least 60% HCA, but the percentage used here is not stated. If it’s not high enough the ingredient is unlikely to work.
  • Green Tea: The most popular diet pill ingredient in the world and not without good reason. Green tea is a proven fat burner and it also supports good health. It’s presence here should have value, but good results will require an adequate inclusion rate.
  • Guarana: An energy providing fruit extract that’s added to many brands of energy drink, guarana provides mental and physical stimulation by delivering a slow release of caffeine. Presuming a sufficient amount is included here, it should help prevent diet related fatigue. Scientific study shows caffeine has value as a thermogenic fat burner, so it’s often added to diet pill formulations and is nearly as popular as green tea.
  • Caralluma: A proven appetite suppressant that’s extracted from a species of cactus. The individuals who took part in one clinical trial successfully lost weight with caralluma, but they were given 1000mg doses. The entire PhenMax375 proprietary blend is only 765mg, so it cannot possibly provide a sufficient amount.
  • B-Phenylethylamine: A chemical manufactured in the body. It can also be made in a laboratory and is often added to supplements designed to help people to lose weight and/or boost energy levels. It’s not without value, but most people have enough B-Phenylethylamine and do not require supplements to get their levels back on track.
  • L-Carnitine Fumarate: Carnitine providing supplements have been used since the 1960s and are alleged to offer many benefits, including improved fat burning. There is scientific evidence to support many of the claims made for the ingredient, but most people get an adequate amount of carnitine from their food.
How to Use – Two capsules should be taken with some water within 20 minutes of breakfast.

PhenMax375 Customer Testimonials

A few average customer comments read:

“I’ve been averaging a weight loss of 2lbs a week and I never feel hungry or tired. There have been no side effects at all and I am happy to recommend this product.”
“No weight loss and no extra energy. Still felt hungry all the time.”
“I use these pills before my morning workout and they make me feel charged up and ready to go.”
“Please don’t waste your time with these weight loss pills they don’t work. I bought them by accident because I thought they were made by the people who make Phen375. They’re just a cheap copycat product. Got some of the real stuff now and it works like a charm.”

Usage Considerations and Potential Side Effects

PhenMax375 is intended to be used with diet and exercise and should not be considered a magic weight loss pill. YoungYou suggest seeking medical advice prior to using the product.

This is always a wise idea before using any brand of dietary supplement and is especially important for anyone who has existing health problems or is already using medication. PhenMax375 will be unsuitable for women who are pregnant or nursing a child.

Pricing and Availability

The best place to buy PhenMax375 is from the official website. It’s also the cheapest way to go because a 60-capsule bottle only costs $22.50. The other option is to buy via Amazon, but that increases the price to $26 per bottle.


YoungYou do not provide customers with a money back guarantee.

The Final Judgment

Although PhenMax375 contains some good ingredients, the amounts provided may not be enough. It does appear to work for some people though.

The hit and miss results suggested by customer feedback could also be explained by the presence of B-Phenylethylamine and L-Carnitine Fumarate. Both ingredients only work well if users are already suffering from a deficiency.

Phen375 diet pill highly recommendedThe average dieter will not know if they have this kind of deficiency and YoungYou does not offer a money back guarantee, so it’s always going to be a gamble with a product such as this and many people could find they have wasted their money.

PhenMax375 is like a lot of other copycat products. It does a good job of mimicking Phen375 as far as the name goes, but will never enjoy the same reputation for delivering results.

Click here to read about the original and best Phen375

WonderSlim Lipotropic Blend Review

Wonderslim Diet PillsWonderSlim Lipotropic Blend is a weight loss supplement produced in capsule form by WonderSlim Supplements. It’s not the only diet pill they have to offer, but the majority of WonderSlim products are low-calorie food options and snacks. The company also markets meal replacement shakes.

WonderSlim Lipotropic Blend is a diet pill that’s powered by a formulation of natural ingredients and compounds that have been chosen for their ability (alleged or proven) to suppress the appetite and/or boost the metabolism. It’s all about calorie control.

How Can Lipotropic Blend Help Me To Lose Weight?

If the product can do what it’s supposed to do, it will help you to avoid feelings of hunger and be successful in your attempt to eat less food. It will also accelerate your metabolism enough to cause you to burn calories faster than normal. The resulting combination of less calories going into the body and more being used should cause a shortage that will force your body to begin burning its stores of fat.

How Many Diet Pills Do I Need to Take Per Day?

Three capsules are needed per day. Two before breakfast and one before the evening meal. The capsules have to be taken with at least 8oz of water and it’s best to swallow them before eating.

What Are the Ingredients in Lipotropic Blend?

Three Lipotropic Blend capsules contain:

  • Chromium (150mcg)
  • CoQ10 (3.75mg)
  • Inositol (375mg)
  • L-Carnitine (18.75mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (18.75mg)
  • Curcumin Powder (18.75mg)
  • Bladderwrack Powder (37.5mg)
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (37.5mg)
  • Vitamin C (45mg)
  • Gymnema Sylvestre Powder (75mg)
  • Gamma Linolenic acid (75mg)
  • Garcinia Cambogia [50% HCA] (150mg)
  • Choline Bitartrate (375mg)

The rest of the ingredients are housed in a proprietary blend that accounts for 751.5mg of the pill content.

The Lipotropic Blend proprietary blend contains unspecified amounts of:

  • Allspice
  • Cloves
  • Cinnamon
  • Juniper Berries
  • Grapefruit
  • Cranberry
  • Spirulina
  • Kelp
  • L-Methionine
  • L-Phenlylalanine
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Bromelain
  • Pysllium
  • Uva Ursi
  • Buchu Leaves

Will the Formulation Work?

Although it’s unlikely to offer you a great deal of support in your attempts to lose weight, it may offer limited value and the fruit extract used in the proprietary blend should provide your body with antioxidants that could improve your overall health.

Chromium is good for lessening the desire for sweet food, but the level of appetite suppression provided is likely to be quite low.

what is garcinia cambogiaGarcinia cambogia has an excellent reputation for killing hunger, but this comes courtesy of a chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and experts state garcinia cambogia has to provide at least 60% HCA. If it does not it’s unlikely to work. The extract used in this formulation is only 50% HCA.

Vitamin B6 is an appropriate inclusion because it’s necessary for a healthy metabolism. Bladderwrack and kelp are also good because they contain iodine and the thyroid gland requires an adequate amount of iodine to help it manufacture the “T” hormones that are necessary for a fast metabolism.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid may have the ability to boost the metabolism and encourage fat burning. It is also alleged to be capable of improving muscle mass.

There are many studies that support both these claims. However, bearing in mind the relatively high number of ingredients involved, and the fact that the use of a proprietary blend has given WonderSlim an excuse not to provide inclusion rates, it’s hard to predict what this product will do. There are no powerful fat burners included though. Some green tea or a little capsicum would have boosted its value considerably.

Are There Any Customer Reviews?

There are no customer reviews on the manufacturer’s website and we were unable to find any published elsewhere online.

Have Side Effects Been Reported?

If WonderSlim are aware of any side effects they fail to say so, but the formulation contains buchu leaves and this ingredient may upset the stomach, and/or irritate the kidneys, so it’s a good idea to get a doctor’s opinion before using this product to lose weight.

Where Do I Buy Lipotropic Blend and What Does It Cost?

Although some WonderSlim products are available via Amazon, Lipotropic Blend is not. You can only obtain it from the manufacturer’s website and a 30-day supply of pills costs $26.99. If you are willing to make an ongoing commitment you can buy via auto-ship and get a 15% discount from the second delivery onwards.

Is There a Guarantee?

Lipotropic Blend has a 60-day guarantee, and customers are offered a 150% refund, but it only applies to “partially used” bottles.

How Does Lipotropic Blend Compare With Other Options?

The best thing about Lipotropic Blend is the price. It doesn’t cost much at all but, as is often the case, you get what you pay for.

The appetite suppressing ability of the product is questionable, but it may help boost your metabolism sufficiently to burn a few extra calories per day and increase your fat loss if you are already losing weight through a combination of diet and exercise.

As far as product potency goes, Lipotropic Blend does not compare well with the top-rated diet pills available to buy online.

Garcinia Cambogia Extra CanadaAll of them contain superior formulations, have plenty of good customer feedback, and have guarantees that allow customers to use a full bottle of pills and still get a refund if they are not happy. If you are looking for a bargain basement diet pill give this one a go. If you are serious about losing weight quickly and safely, try a better product instead.

If you are intent on buying a diet product that utilises the power of CLA then Garcinia Cambogia is the default choice.

Click here to read about Garcinia Cambogia