Is Adipotide Diet Drug Available In Canada
A new diet drug is going through an experimental phase currently that provide help to millions of obese people in Canada.
Adipotide is being billed as the miracle non surgical solution to the ever escalating obesity problem in not just Canada but the world over. It is administered by injection and though to dissolve body fat by attacking the blood cells that supply them, cutting off their fuel supply an preventing them from multiplying.
The initial trials have been performed on monkey’s and so so far produced some pretty spectacular results – in several trials some monkeys lost 11% of their body weight in 28 days. Total BMI (Body Mass Index) was also reduced and the midriff and stomach appeared vastly slimmer.
Adipotide is not thought to cause any side effects according the trials that have taken place so far although some users may experience side effects that are usually associated with prescription diet drugs such as nausea, anxiety and potential dependency.
Is Adipotide Available In Canada
The drug is still undergoing preliminary trials and so the commercial availability is not yet subject for discussion. It is highly likely though that the diet drug will only be available to the obese and by strict doctor administration.
Either way Adipotide could be years away from production.
Diet Pills Available Now
The United Kingdom had its own “Diet Drug” story recently when a diet pill made front page news of the Daily Mail (a national newspaper with a readership in the millions)
Capsiplex is a commercial diet pill that can help to burn excess body fat by using the heat from red hot chili pepper.
It was coined the “NHS miracle fat pill”
Capsiplex made such an impact that it sold out completely in just a few days of going on general sale.
Capsiplex is available to buy without prescription and ships to Canada
Read more about Capsiplex