PhenMax375 is a diet pill manufactured in the US and is one of many products on the market that have been named in a way that may help the people selling it capitalize on the success of another diet pill, named Phen375.
According to the marketing material, PhenMax375 assists weight loss by providing:
- Hunger suppression
- Boosted energy levels
- Thermogenic fat burning
- Maximized weight loss
- Decreased calorie intake
Who Makes PhenMax375?
PhenMax375 is manufactured by YoungYou Corporation.
The company has been trading for quite a while and is also responsible for marketing a number of other weight management products, but the YoungYou has somewhat of a checkered past and fell foul of the FDA when inspectors discovered some of the company’s products contained undisclosed drugs.
YoungYou cleaned up its act sufficiently to appease the FDA, but the fact that such a problem arose in the first place does not create the best of impressions.
Key Ingredients and Blend Potential
All the ingredients used in PhenMax375 are hidden in a proprietary blend (765mg). Each two-capsule dose provides unspecified amounts of:
Garcinia Cambogia: A respected fruit extract that is highly nutritious and helps support weight loss by providing a hunger suppressing chemical (hydroxycitric acid) that also has the ability to prevent the body making fresh stores of fat. Experts stress the importance of only using garcinia cambogia extract that are at least 60% HCA, but the percentage used here is not stated. If it’s not high enough the ingredient is unlikely to work.
- Green Tea: The most popular diet pill ingredient in the world and not without good reason. Green tea is a proven fat burner and it also supports good health. It’s presence here should have value, but good results will require an adequate inclusion rate.
- Guarana: An energy providing fruit extract that’s added to many brands of energy drink, guarana provides mental and physical stimulation by delivering a slow release of caffeine. Presuming a sufficient amount is included here, it should help prevent diet related fatigue. Scientific study shows caffeine has value as a thermogenic fat burner, so it’s often added to diet pill formulations and is nearly as popular as green tea.
- Caralluma: A proven appetite suppressant that’s extracted from a species of cactus. The individuals who took part in one clinical trial successfully lost weight with caralluma, but they were given 1000mg doses. The entire PhenMax375 proprietary blend is only 765mg, so it cannot possibly provide a sufficient amount.
- B-Phenylethylamine: A chemical manufactured in the body. It can also be made in a laboratory and is often added to supplements designed to help people to lose weight and/or boost energy levels. It’s not without value, but most people have enough B-Phenylethylamine and do not require supplements to get their levels back on track.
- L-Carnitine Fumarate: Carnitine providing supplements have been used since the 1960s and are alleged to offer many benefits, including improved fat burning. There is scientific evidence to support many of the claims made for the ingredient, but most people get an adequate amount of carnitine from their food.
PhenMax375 Customer Testimonials
A few average customer comments read:
Usage Considerations and Potential Side Effects
PhenMax375 is intended to be used with diet and exercise and should not be considered a magic weight loss pill. YoungYou suggest seeking medical advice prior to using the product.
This is always a wise idea before using any brand of dietary supplement and is especially important for anyone who has existing health problems or is already using medication. PhenMax375 will be unsuitable for women who are pregnant or nursing a child.
Pricing and Availability
The best place to buy PhenMax375 is from the official website. It’s also the cheapest way to go because a 60-capsule bottle only costs $22.50. The other option is to buy via Amazon, but that increases the price to $26 per bottle.
YoungYou do not provide customers with a money back guarantee.
The Final Judgment
Although PhenMax375 contains some good ingredients, the amounts provided may not be enough. It does appear to work for some people though.
The hit and miss results suggested by customer feedback could also be explained by the presence of B-Phenylethylamine and L-Carnitine Fumarate. Both ingredients only work well if users are already suffering from a deficiency.
The average dieter will not know if they have this kind of deficiency and YoungYou does not offer a money back guarantee, so it’s always going to be a gamble with a product such as this and many people could find they have wasted their money.
PhenMax375 is like a lot of other copycat products. It does a good job of mimicking Phen375 as far as the name goes, but will never enjoy the same reputation for delivering results.